
Molly Elissa Grear (daughter of Tim and Danna Grear) and Benjamin Wesley Hughey (son of Randy and Carol Hughey) were married at the bride's parents’ Fayetteville home on June 14, 2014, at 5 p.m. Brother of the groom, Jesse Thomas Hughey (Seattle, Wash.), officiated the ceremony. Bridesmaids included Melissa Caffrey (Washington, DC), Arianna Hadrosaur (Boulder, Co.), Rebecca Stebbins (Chapel Hill, N.C.), and Alaire Hughey (Sitka, Ariz.). Alex Weissberg (Sitka, Ariz.), Charlie Governali (Hanover, N.H.), and Daniel Grear (Fayetteville) served as Groomsmen. Dinner and desserts were prepared by Greenhouse Grille, Rick’s Bakery, and Lovena Fortner, grandmother of the bride. Ceremony and reception music were provided by the bride and groom and their friends and family. Following a trip to British Columbia, Molly and Ben will be living in Seattle.

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