Daniel Sundara and Kelsey Kirkland

Bride's Hometown or City of Residence

Springdale, AR

Groom's Hometown or City of Residence

Springdale, AR

Wedding Ceremony

St. Joseph Catholic Church in Fayetteville, AR

Bride's Parents and City of Residence

David Kirkland Jenifer Kirkland both of Springdale, AR

Bride's Grandparents and City of Residence

Lawrence and Anita Eden- Springdale, AR Roberta Kirkland and the late John Kirkland Sr. -Hindsville, AR

Groom's Parents and City of Residence

Khoutseng Arounpradith- Springdale, AR Phavixay Sundara- Beaverton, OR

Groom's Grandparents and City of Residence

Nyramol Arounpradith and the late Fongsamouth Arounpradith- Springdale, AR

Bride's Dress, Veil, etc

A-line chiffon dress with detailing down left side. Detailed lace strap over left shoulder. Rouching in the front of dress. Finger-length veil. Bouquet made of white roses, white cala lillies, snapdragons, and eucalyptus.

Maid of Honor and Bridesmaids

Kakki Keller-Maid of Honor Allyson McKinney-Matron of Honor Jennifer Garcia-Bridesmaid Brianna Rocko-Bridesmaid all friends of the bride all of Springdale, AR

Best Man and Groomsmen

David Noudaranouvong- Best Man Kent Souriyasak- groomsman Eduardo Garcia- groomsman all friends of the groom all of Springdale, AR

Additional Wedding Party Members

Alison Arounpradith-flower girl Emily Arounpradith-flower girl Charlie Arounpradith- ring bearer Richard Arounpradith- ring bearer Brent Kirkland- usher Jordan Herrell-usher Carl Leta- pianist Millie Peters- vocalist


Reception followed ceremony at St. Joseph Catholic Church

Bride's Employment

Student pursuing Masters of Social Work at the University of Arkansas

Groom's Employment

Loan Specialist at Arvest Bank

Wedding Info June 1, 2013 St. Joseph Catholic Church Fayetteville, AR About Daniel Springdale, AR Hometown Springdale, AR Residence Loan Specialist Occupation About Kelsey Springdale, AR Hometown Springdale, AR Residence Student Occupation Daniel's Parents Phavixay Sundara and Khoutseng Arounpradith Kelsey's Parents David and Jenifer Kirkland Daniel's Attendants Allyson McKinney Matron of honor Kakki Keller, Jennifer Garcia, Brianna Rocko Bridesmaids Kelsey's Attendants David Noudaranouvong Best man Kent Souriyasak, Eduardo Garcia Groomsmen Flower girl Emily and Alison Arounpradith Ring bearer Charlie and Richard Arounpradith

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