
Annalea Michelle Garner, Joseph Craig Mahan

Four Seasons Los Angeles at Beverly Hills was the setting at 6 p.m. Saturday, May 19, for the marriage of Annalea Michelle Garner and Joseph Craig Mahan. The groom's father officiated. The bride's parents are Judy and Dr. Jeff Garner of Little Rock. Karen and Paul Mahan of Bentonville are the parents of the groom. Laura Garner was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Colby Broussard, Olivia Geels, Meredith Thomas, McKenzie Maxwell, Grayson Nale, Stacee Reeves, Kaitlin Samford, and Mallory Serdensky. Hunter Banwarth was best man. Groomsmen were Daniel Beahm, Jacob Kerksieck, Austin McCollum, Blake Miller, Nicholas Palmer, Christopher Stalnaker, Evan Serdensky, John Wootten IV, and Kevin Garner. The couple will live in Santa Monica, CA. The bride is an account manager with Cowton and Tout. The groom is employed by Outdoor Cap.