Dr. & Mrs. David Gray of Fayetteville, AR are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Kelsey Helen Gray to James Logan Erf. Logan is the son of Mr & Mrs Greg Erf of Portales, New Mexico. Grandparents of the bride are Helen Wolf and the late Clare Wolf, the late Helen Gray and the late Dr. Troy Gray. Grandparents of the groom are Norma Erf and the late Lou Erf, the late Helen Henry and Chuck Henry. Kelsey is a graduate of Springdale High School and the University of Arkansas with a Masters degree in teaching. She is employed by Denver Public Schools. Logan is a graduate of Portales High School and New Mexico State University with a Bachelors of Science degree in civil engineering. He is employed by Martin/Martin Inc. A ceremony is planned for December 10, 2016 at Park Church in Denver, CO